This sounds brilliant, Nancy! I think I just signed up but it took me to a FB page...I don't use FB or any social media...will I be able to access if I don't have FB?

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Thanks Nancy 🌸

I signed up!

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Thank you, Janet! Looking forward to seeing you there. Bring a friend!

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Thanks Nancy

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I hear ya! Unfortunately this event is being hosted on Facebook exclusively. The only thing I can offer is that once the event is over (closes officially at end of August) all the speakers get to post their own talks on their own media (YouTube, website etc) and I’ll be doing that with mine.

I don’t know how you’d access the other speakers though, unless you went to the trouble of contacting the ones you especially want to hear and ask them for their links after the event.

This is one of the last events I’m participating in that’s hosted on Facebook, because I too am fed up with it.

I didn’t know until I was already committed that it would be happening there, so it was kind of a surprise.

Thank you for letting me know. I have another interview the same week that will be posted on YouTube, which I’ll be announcing later. Perhaps that one will work out for you 🙂

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