I am a full-fledged Girl Scout, like Emma. Our family didn't start messing that up with moving until I finished 8th grade, so I got a good 8 years of GS training wherein I earned all of the badges. :)

However, I don't think it's your lack of GS training that's at play. I'd look to the differences in your astrology and Myers-Briggs personality type. I find those to be much more accurate when explaining how I am different or the same as others. Likely, Emma has a lot more Earth energy than you do and that would explain a lot of her preparedness. And I know for sure your 2nd letter in Myers-Briggs is N. :) As such, you're gonna be less proficient with the nitty-gritty details of things.

Girl Scouts is also about fostering leadership in girls. You sure have that in spades, so maybe you got exactly what you needed in your 5 mins of Girl Scouting. :)

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Awwww Suzanne 🥹 Now you’re gonna make me cry 😿

Thank you for your always wise perspective! And for your validation (that I didn’t even know I needed…)

You are a true friend 🙏❤️🙏

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I was in brownies for a very short time after we moved to another town when I was in 2nd grade. I liked it a lot because for some reason I was attracted to the brown uniform with I think an orange scarf or something. Then the next year in 3rd grade it all went away. The mother who sponsored it moved. I have no idea what it was, or whatever Elizabeth and I still remember belonging to load and the exact house I went to for meetings.

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It does leave an impression, however fleeting it might have been, doesn’t it. I think it’s a good experience for girls to have. That, or something better 🙂

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I remember the older girls who were Girl Scouts wore green. In third grade someone started a Campfire Girls organization in our town. I joined it, but liked the uniforms of the brownies and Girl Scouts much better. Then I had I light a match in Campfire Girls, and was scared to do it I quit! 🤣

I can’t recall specifically, but Brownies was a wonderful experience. I’m happy it was a part of my life.

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