Do you have to put yourself some distance away from the danger. Thank you for sharing this! Nancy! Excellent!

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Thank you, Charlotte. Actually, where I'm going with this is that once you align and prepare yourself, you can be anywhere and be safe because you're conscious, you're aware, and you know what to do with yourself. Until you reach that stage, though. . . yeah. Get to safety and THEN work on yourself so you're stronger and more nimble.

Darwin was always misquoted. What he said was that the species that survive are the ones who learn quickly how to adapt. That's an entirely different thing than being "fit".

To me, total fitness is always about wholeness -- and agility. You get there with practice and being willing to be uncomfortable. At least that's what I think about it. My opinion might change once we get through the next 20 year cycle, though, depending on what happens and what we all choose to do to make things better (or not.)

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This is a wonderful article with practical steps for a more soulful life. Thank you.

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